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DOATS score




文献:BMC Pulmonary Medicine 23, 312, 2023

By entering the variables 'Diabetes/Obesity status', 'Age', 'Body Temperature', and 'SpO2 level', the DOATS score will be automatically calculated. The DOATS score is a predictive tool that assesses the risk of deterioration in COVID-19 patients without respiratory failure upon admission, who may require oxygen therapy or steroid treatment. It has been validated in Japanese patients under the age of 65 (validation in other ethnicities is pending). Reference: BMC Pulmonary Medicine 23, 312, 2023.

DOATSスコアから予測される増悪リスク Deterioration risk predicted by the DOATS score

Point 19, 68.4%; Point 18, 62.3%; Point 17, 55.9%; Point 16, 49.2%; Point 15, 42.6%; Point 14, 36.2%; Point 13, 30.2%; Point 12, 24.9%; Point 11, 20.2%; Point 10, 16.2%; Point 9, 12.9%; Point 8, 10.2%; Point 7, 8.0%; Point 6, 6.2%; Point 5, 4.8%; Point 4, 3.7%; Point 3, 2.9%; Point 2, 2.2%; Point 1, 1.7%; Point 0, 1.3%; Point -1, 1.0%; Point -2, 0.8%

DOAT score


文献:BMC Pulmonary Medicine 23, 312, 2023

By entering the variables 'Diabetes/Obesity status', 'Age', and 'Body Temperature', excluding 'SpO2 level' from DOATS score, the DOAT score will be automatically calculated. The DOAT score is also a predictive tool that assesses the risk of deterioration in COVID-19 patients without respiratory failure upon admission, who may require oxygen therapy or steroid treatment. It has been validated in Japanese patients under the age of 65 (validation in other ethnicities is pending).

Reference: BMC Pulmonary Medicine 23, 312, 2023

DOATスコアから予測される増悪リスク Deterioration risk predicted by the DOAT score

Point 12, 56.9%; Point 11, 47.9%; Point 10, -%; Point 9, 31.0%; Point 8, 23.9%; Point 7, 18.0%; Point 6, 13.3%; Point 5, 9.6%; Point 4, 6.9%; Point 3, 5.0%; Point 2, 3.5%; Point 1, 2.5%; Point 0, 1.7%; Point -1, 1.2%; Point -2, 0.9%





DOATS score: A simple method that predicts deterioration of COVID-19

©2023 DOATS score: A simple method that predicts deterioration of COVID-19。 で作成されました。

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